Monday, September 8, 2008

New Blog


I want to invite you to visit a new blog the Lord has led me to create. The blog is Blessings Sarah Palin. On it you will find prayers, blessings, and prophetic words for Sarah, her family, and America.

This blog will remain my personal blog, so don't stop visiting here. I know I've been absent, and I apologize for that. I believe good things are coming from the wilderness. I believe the Lord is placing in my heart and spirit more to share with you that will bless and encourage you.

Thank you for your prayers and patience.

Blessings of His presence and revelation be given to all of you,



Todd, Kari, Anna and Gracie said...

This is wonderful!! My family enjoyed reading Dad also sent you a comment on your BLOG..Have a great day!!!

Robin said...

Can't wait to check it out! I will tell my husband also :)



Red Light Rescue

Imagine being a parent barely able to pay bills and someone comes to your home and promises to educate your daughter and find her a job. You agree, hoping to give her a better life. Then she disappears, and you find out she is not being educated. Instead, she is a prostitute, a victim of human-trafficking, beaten and abused daily. Sounds like a nightmare, doesn't it? For 100,000 girls in India, this is reality. To find out how you can help, please visit Red Light Rescue.


"It's not the wind in our hair that makes us free. It's the movement of the Spirit, the growth of our invisible side." --Amber Haines

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